Checklist for Group Leaders/ Youth Workers and Youth Involved in Organising the Youth Exchange
1. General Information
What is a Youth Exchange? Youth Exchange is a meeting of groups of young people from at least two different countries who gather for a short period to implement jointly a non-formal learning programme (a mix of workshops, exercises, debates, role-plays, simulations, outdoor activities, etc.) on a topic of their interest, seeking inspiration from the European Youth Goals. The learning period comprises a planning period before the application, preparation phase before as well as evaluation and follow-up after the exchange.
2. Target audience and participants selection
The target audience is young people mostly aged 16 and 20 interested in the given topic and willing to take part in all phases of the project (planning, preparation, implementation, and follow-up).
Eligible participants are young people aged between 13 and 30 residents in the countries of their sending organisations.
Participants are not required to speak fluent English. One of the learning aims of youth exchange is for participants to improve their multilingual competence.
Young people who want to participate in the youth exchange are asked to fill in an application form providing their contact details, general information, motivation and experience to participate in the project.
Generally, young people having no or very little experience in youth exchanges are given the priority to participate. Young people who have been to youth exchange more than 2 times are expected to contribute to its implementation and take responsibilities, e.g. being group leader, facilitating sessions, helping project coordinator with logistics or media team, etc.
We follow fair and non-discriminatory principles during selection process, aim for gender equality.
We are encouraging the full participation of young people facing fewer opportunities. We are keeping confidential any information with regards to the fewer opportunities encountered and we provide consolidated mentorship and support for these participants.
Young people are informed via email about selection results.
3. Organizers and group leaders
Youth Exchange involves group leaders. Group leaders monitor and provide support to participants to ensure the qualitative learning process during the learning mobility. At the same time, they cater for a safe, respectful, and non-discriminatory environment and protection of the participants.
Each group of participants from each country will be accompanied by at least one group leader.
Group leader must be over 18 years old with no upper age limit.
Group leader must have at least conversational (B2) level of English and must have experience in working with young people (youth worker, teacher, trainer, etc.).
4. Learning and recognition
Erasmus+ supports non-formal learning mobility of young people in the form of Youth Exchanges, with the objective to engage and empower young people to become active citizens, connect them to the European project as well as to help them acquire and develop competences for life and their professional future. More specifically, Youth Exchanges aim to foster intercultural dialogue and learning and feeling of being European; develop skills and attitudes of young people; strengthen European values and breaking down prejudices and stereotypes; raise awareness about socially relevant topics and thus stimulate engagement in society and active participation.
By attending a Youth Exchange, you will obtain a YouthPass Certificate. The YouthPass is a process of recognition of competences developed within the Eramsus+ for Youth. Through the YouthPass certificate, the participation in such projects can be recognised as an educational experience and a period of non-formal and informal learning.
5. Funding and costs
EU grant funding is an incentive to carry out the Youth exchange which would not be feasible without the EU financial support and is based on the principle of co-financing. Co-financing implies that the EU grant may not finance the entire costs of the project and its activities, the project must be funded by sources of co-financing other than the EU grant.
From EU grant we will cover the cost of the organization, accommodation in the activity venue, food in the venue, and the most economical travel as described in the related sections.
Participants are not required to pay any contribution fees (e.g. participants tax) as a form of co-funding but are required to acquire a travel insurance which is not going to be reimbursed – considered to be their co-funding to the project.
We are aiming to make the activity accessible and not to create any financial barriers to participation particularly to participants facing fewer opportunities; therefore, we plan to organize activities in a way that its possible for a participant to take part without incurring any additional cost by following our recommendations in the related sections.
Costs, which are not directly related or not essential to the youth exchange, can be covered by participants form their own contribution, if they want. For example: snacks, extra foods, drinks (non-alcoholic), entrance fees to facilities and entertainment during free time, non-essential travel costs (like higher class tickets, priority boarding, extra luggage, taxi), accommodation prior or after the mobility, vaccinations, medical certifications and tests, etc.
Double funding - Each project financed by the EU is entitled to receive only one grant from the EU budget to any one beneficiary. Under no circumstances shall the same costs be financed twice by the Union budget. To avoid the risk of double funding, the applicant person must indicate the sources and the amounts of any other funding received or applied for in the year. None of any other activities and expenses can be financed by the European Union for the whole duration of the activity, including travel days. The participant must declare that s/he is not taking part in any other activity or program funded by European Union that runs in the same time as the mobility. (Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps, etc.)
6. Travel and practical aspects
Sustainable means of transport (green travel - defined as the travel that uses low-emissions means of transport for the main part of the travel, min. 50% of the entire journey, such as bus, train or car-pooling) is encouraged and preferred for selection of travel route and means.
The travel itinerary and means will be planned by the coordinator and the group leaders considering sustainably of the means of transport, safety of participants, and price.
Participants from one country must travel to the venue of Youth Exchange as a group together with their group leader.
Participants will be required to buy their own travel ticket based on the planned itinerary in case of traveling with public transport, e.g. plane. The tickets will be reimbursed after the activity based on the travel reimbursements rules (see point 9. Travel reimbursement). In case participant cannot afford to buy plane ticket, the ticket will be bought by the organizers and participant will be only asked to pay 50 EUR deposit which will be reimbursed after the youth exchange, or used to change a name on the plane ticket if participant cancel his/hers participation in the activity. Sometimes there might be case that organizers are buying public transport tickets for the whole group, consequently the whole group pays 50 EUR deposit per participant which is reimbursed after the youth exchange or used for name change on the ticket in case of cancelled participation.
Pack clothes based on the weather where the youth exchange will take place, check the forecast before leaving. Always bring comfortable clothes and shoes for indoor and outdoor activities which you wouldn’t mind getting dirty. Bring slippers, towels, shampoo, toothpaste and other hygiene products as they are not going to be provided by the accommodation. Do not bring any valuables which are not essential for participation in the youth exchange. Before packing to the youth exchange, read the Infopack if there are some specific mentions of things/clothes you should bring, e.g. swimming suite or waterproof jacket.
7. Venue and accommodation
Youth exchanges are mostly organized in tourist -type accommodation, this means rather simpler equipment and furnishings of the rooms and the entire building.
Hair-dryers and washing machine are not provided, thus pack enough clothes for the duration of the youth exchange or be prepared to wash them with hands.
Participants will be accommodated in multi-bed rooms arranged for 3-6 persons per room, grouped by gender. Rooms have usually shared bathrooms.
At the venue there is usually no internet, or the speed is very slow so be prepared not to have internet access.
Any damage or destruction to the property of the accommodation cost will be covered by the participant after agreement with the owner/manager of the building.
Cleaning service is not provided, thus it is the responsibility of participants to keep order in the common rooms and in their own rooms.
In most accommodations there are quiet hours after 10 p.m. lasting until 6 a.m., therefore it is asked from participants to respect the night hours and not to shout, run in the corridors or slam doors or otherwise significantly disturb the night's peace.
8. Food
Meals are provided 3 times a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). Meals are mostly prepared in the manner of classic cuisine from a country where the youth exchange is organized and they integrate local food as much as possible.
Clean water is provided throughout the stay.
Dietary requirements need to be reported in the application form before the youth exchange. However, from our previous experience we are aware that accommodation chefs are not always knowledgeable enough to cook for specific diets (keto, vegetarian, vegan, lactose intolerant, gluten-free, etc.). Therefore, if you have specific diet requirements, we recommend you not to apply for the youth exchange as we cannot guarantee 100% compliance of the menu to your needs/preferences due to insufficient knowledge of the chefs. If you decide to apply, we will put all the effort to meet your dietary needs/preferences, but keep in mind your required diet might not be fully provided and you will need to adapt to the menu offered.
9. Travel reimbursement
As a rule, the travel costs are reimbursed from the city of the sending organization to the activity venue.
Only the essential and most economical travel fare (value/economy/second-class tickets) will be reimbursed.
Travel expenses related to urban transport expenses (within the same city), taxi transfers, flight modifications, priority boarding, seat reservation, additional luggage, business class tickets, various types of travel insurances and parking fees will not be reimbursed.
Travels starting or ending in different country than the sending organization’s country, will not be reimbursed.
Only registered and authorized public transportation company tickets will be reimbursed.
Car travel will be reimbursed in case of car-pooling of at least 3 participants. The reimbursement sum will be calculated based on shortest and most economical standard route using the route planner, with fixed fee of 0,13 EUR/km/car.
For travel cost reimbursement the participant must deliver supporting documents containing the route description, date and travel fare (such as electronic ticket/receipt/invoice) within maximum 5 days after end of the activity. The supporting documents must be delivered in PDF format, if it’s on a website, it must be saved as PDF or printed into PDF. Screenshots or forwarded emails are not accepted. If no electronic version is available, the original transport ticket/receipt/invoice must be delivered to the coordinator. (We recommend purchasing electronic tickets whenever it’s possible because of ease of use).
The participant must be on the project for the whole duration and must attend all the sessions to be entitled for reimbursement.
The participant is responsible for delivering the documents required for reimbursement within 5 days from the end of the activity.
Reimbursement will be done in EUR via bank transfer to the group leader’s bank account and the group leader will distribute to each participant their part. For currencies other than EUR we will use the official EU exchange rate available on the month in which the funding contract with the National Agency was signed (available at:
Travel reimbursement is usually processes within 1 to 2 months after the exchange. In some cases, for example when we need to receive further funding from agency it can take up more.
Participants are required to fill in the following declaration of transport based on which the reimbursement can be made:
10. Safety and protection of participants
You as participant are fully responsible for all your belongings. The organizers will not bear any claims in case of theft/disappearance/destruction/malfunctioning, etc. Do not bring any valuables which are not essential for participation in the youth exchange.
The youth exchange is going to be held in accommodation exclusively booked for our activity, therefore there won’t be any bystanders, just participants and accommodation staff. The rooms will have locks.
No access to the premises of the youth exchange will be allowed for any participant having any kind of things that could endanger other participants (e.g. toxic or flammable materials, alcohol, weapons, etc). Such items will be taken away by organizers and returned on the departure day; in case of participant refusing to give away the item, s/he will be denied from access to the premises of youth exchange.
Every participant is required by Erasmus+ program to have a valid European health insurance card and a valid travel insurance for the period of the activity including the travel dates. The costs related to the travel insurance is considered to be the co-funding of the participant to the youth exchange.
Minor participants by law, in most countries under 18 years old, must submit a completed and signed parental consent before taking part in the youth exchange and bring it to the mobility in original. The parent consent form to be filled in will be provided by the organizer before the youth exchange.
11. Code of conduct
Consumption of alcoholic and any mood-altering substances (e.g. drugs, stimulants, etc.) is strictly prohibited during the whole duration of the youth exchange.
Smoking is not allowed except for the designated places, which are far from others; smoking during sessions is not allowed.
Offensive jokes, swearing, offending other people in any way is not welcomed in our youth exchanges.
Sitting on the windows opening or windowsill is strictly forbidden.
Take care of accommodation and its environment, do not make any actions which could potentially cause breaking chairs, tables, beds, doors, etc.
Be careful and considerate that your actions will not hurt another participant ‘s feelings or hurt them physically, either intentionally or accidentally.
Be respectful, kind and always try to be the best version of yourself. Put in effort and energy, you will be highly valued and respected.
You should behave to others like you would want the others to behave towards you. Be aware of your actions and make sure that the others feel comfortable around you.
The participant must be on the project for the whole duration and must attend all the sessions to be entitled for reimbursement.
The participant must be punctual to every planned activity. If late, the organizers can consider the participant missing for that specific activity.
Have fun, enjoy, and spread your experience to your friends and family so that others also get the opportunity to take part in our future youth exchanges.
In case of breaching any of the rules mentioned in the Code of Conduct, participant will get a first warning. Schools and parents, in case of underaged participants, will also be informed about participant receiving the warning due misbehaving. If the participant repeats the violation of the Code of Conduct for the second time, s/he will be asked to leave the youth exchange immediately and won’t be considered for the future projects. The travel costs incurred so far and the exceptional travel costs related to the early departure will be covered in full by the participant and/or their parents in case of leaving due to breaching of the Code of Conduct and will not be reimbursed.
12. Final Provisions
In accordance to the rules of the Erasmus+ programme, each Participant (including Group Leaders, Youth Workers, Teachers, etc.) must commit to fill in the individual report that will be sent by the European Commission by email, as well as any other evaluation questionnaire that might be sent as a consequence of participating in this project.
Every participant gives full consent to be photographed and filmed during the mobility and that the photos and videos taken to be used publicly by the beneficiary organisation, partners, National Agency and EACEA.
Finally, every participants commits to contribute to the promotion and dissemination of the results of the project, upon returning home.
All the participants must give the full consent to provide and to allow the processing and storing of all the personal data required and for the implementation of the Erasmus+ project, in accordance with the European Commission regulations. The data will be stored and processed by the Programme’s beneficiary organisations and the National Agency under the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR). The National Agency will store and process these data according to Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data.
Version: 2023