Code of Conduct for Working with Underage Participants
This Code of Conduct outlines the expectations and responsibilities for all individuals who work with underage participants in any capacity within ARAO. It is designed to create a safe and respectful environment for all underage participants, fostering their physical and emotional well-being.
I.1. Policy Statement
ARAO provides a safe and secure environment for all participants, including the underage participants engaged in our activities, programs, and events. We acknowledge our profound responsibility to safeguard their welfare and protect them from harm, neglect, abuse, or exploitation.
I.2. Definitions of harm
Safeguarding underage participants entails ensuring that all aspects of ARAO, including its staff, operations, and programs, do not cause harm or expose participants to the risk of harm and abuse. This commitment to safeguarding children's well-being is essential for creating a safe and supportive environment, promoting their rights, and preventing any potential harm or exploitation. It involves implementing policies, procedures, and practices that prioritize the safety, protection, and welfare of underage participants in all our activities. In line with this commitment, we define various forms of child abuse:
Physical Abuse: Actual or potential physical harm, including hitting, shaking, poisoning, or the fabrication of illness symptoms.
Sexual Abuse: Forcing or enticing a child into sexual activities without full understanding or consent, including rape, penetration, or non-penetrative acts.
Child Sexual Exploitation: Involves children engaging in sexual activities in exchange for benefits, often manipulated or coerced by perpetrators.
Neglect and Negligent Treatment: Persistent failure to meet a child's basic needs, including supervision, protection, nutrition, and safe living conditions.
Emotional Abuse: Involves persistent emotional maltreatment, such as humiliation, bullying, and threats, affecting a child's emotional development.
Commercial Exploitation: Exploiting a child in work or other activities detrimental to their well-being, such as child labor.
I.3. Applicability
This Code of Conduct applies to all individuals associated with ARAO, including staff, volunteers, contractors, and partners interacting with underage participants during our activities and programs:
Staff: It applies to all staff members, whether permanent or temporary, highlighting their shared responsibility for safeguarding underage participants.
Volunteers: Volunteers, who play a vital role in our programs, are also covered by this code, recognizing their duty to protect and promote the welfare of underage participants.
Contractors: Contractors engaged by the ARAO must adhere too, in order to ensure compliance with our commitment to child safety while working on our behalf.
Partners: Collaboration with various partners and stakeholders is common in our work. This Code of Conduct applies to our partners, emphasizing the importance of a shared commitment to child safeguarding during joint initiatives.
Interactions During Activities and Programs: This code governs all interactions, activities, and programs involving underage participants, regardless of their nature. It ensures a consistent commitment to child safeguarding across all our initiatives.
Geographic and Temporal Scope: The Code of Conduct extends to all geographic regions and locations where the ARAO operates, applying both during official working hours and activities and outside regular working hours when our representatives engage with underage participants.
ARAO's guiding principles are fundamental to our commitment to safeguarding underage participants. These principles underpin our approach to creating a safe and supportive environment for children ang young people under 18 years old involved in our programs and activities:
II.1. Best Interests of Participants: At the core of our mission is the belief that the best interests of underage participants are paramount in all actions and decisions. We recognize that every child is unique, and we are dedicated to ensuring that their well-being and development take precedence in everything we do. This means that we consider the specific needs, preferences, and circumstances of each participant to make decisions that benefit them the most when taking part in our activities.
II.2. Non-Discrimination: We firmly adhere to the principle of non-discrimination. We do not differentiate between underage participants based on characteristics such as race, gender, religion, ethnicity, disability, or any other attribute. Every child, regardless of their background or identity, deserves equal access to our programs and equal protection under our safeguarding policy.
II.3. Empowerment: We respect the rights, opinions, and voices of underage participants and actively involve them in decisions that affect their welfare. We believe in empowering children to have a say in matters that concern them. This empowerment not only promotes their self-esteem and confidence but also ensures that their perspectives are considered when making decisions that impact their lives.
II.4. Safety: Our unwavering commitment is to create and maintain a safe environment where underage participants can thrive. Safety is the foundation upon which all our programs and activities are built. We take proactive measures to identify and mitigate risks, ensuring that children can engage in our initiatives without fear of harm or exploitation. Safety encompasses physical, emotional, and psychological well-being, and we prioritize all aspects of child safety.
II.5. Professionalism: We always maintain professionalism and avoid any behavior that could be considered unprofessional, unethical, or inappropriate. Specific guidelines for appropriate behavior include:
Minimizing physical contact with participants to what is necessary for their well-being and program participation, obtaining prior consent for additional contact.
Respecting participants' privacy by not entering private spaces without permission and not disclosing personal or confidential information without authorization.
Using appropriate language and tone in communication, avoiding offensive, derogatory, or discriminatory language.
II. 6. Communication: We practice open, honest and transparent communication with participants, parents/guardians, and partners, sharing information about program activities, concerns and expectations while maintaining confidentiality and exercising caution in online communication. These principles guide our actions, policies, and procedures, and they serve as a constant reminder of our duty to protect and promote the welfare of underage participants. We are dedicated to upholding these principles in our daily work, demonstrating our commitment to child safeguarding and the well-being of the children we serve.
Here are some dos and don'ts for our staff, volunteers and partners regarding boundaries and appropriate behavior when working with underage participants:
Establish Clear Boundaries: Do establish clear and appropriate boundaries with underage participants to maintain professionalism and ensure their safety.
Maintain Open Communication: Do encourage open and respectful communication with underage participants, making them feel comfortable discussing any concerns they may have.
Supervise Effectively: Do maintain proper supervision during all activities and outings to ensure the safety and well-being of underage participants.
Respect Privacy: Do respect the privacy of underage participants. Do not enter their personal spaces without permission.
Use Age-Appropriate Language: Do use age-appropriate language and tone when communicating with underage participants.
Prioritize Safety: Do prioritize the safety and well-being of underage participants in all interactions and activities.
Obtain Consent: Do obtain informed consent when necessary for activities, photographs, or any other interactions involving underage participants.
Inappropriate Physical Contact: Don't engage in inappropriate physical contact with underage participants. Keep physical interactions necessary for their well-being and program participation and seek prior consent for additional contact.
Privacy Violation: Don't invade the privacy of underage participants. Avoid entering private spaces without permission and refrain from disclosing personal or confidential information without authorization.
Offensive Language: Don't use offensive, derogatory, or discriminatory language when communicating with underage participants.
Gifts and Favors: Don't offer or accept gifts, favors, or money to/from underage participants, as it may compromise the relationship and be perceived as inappropriate.
Retaliation: Don't retaliate against individuals who report concerns in good faith. Whistleblowers should be protected from adverse consequences.
Engage in Unethical Behavior: Don't engage in any behavior that could be deemed unprofessional, unethical, or inappropriate.
Neglect Safety: Don't neglect the safety and well-being of underage participants during activities and interactions.
III. Checklist of Measures for Safety and Protection of Underage Participants
To ensure the safety and well-being of underage participants during activities, ARAO has established a comprehensive checklist for each project phase. This checklist outlines the measures to be taken before, during, and after activities to minimize risks and respond effectively to safeguarding concerns.
1. Before activity
Participant-Centered Planning: We consider the age and capabilities of the participants when planning activities. We consult potential participants to address their relevant needs and encourage them to actively participate and contribute with proposals and ideas.
Risk Assessment and Preparation: We conduct a thorough risk assessment, considering potential hazards and their likelihood and impact. We organize a preparation session to raise awareness of potential risks. We appoint a first aid responsible. Participants are informed about potential risk situations and are offered all necessary information. Also, they are asked to inform us during the application stage about their health problems, allergies, and dietary preferences in order to mitigate any risks and hazards related to their health.
Training and Education: We ensure that all staff and volunteers involved in the activity have received training on the organization's underage safeguarding principles on appropriate behavior and interactions with underage participants.
Info Pack document before activity: We compile an extensive activity guide for each project, serving as a preparatory resource for participants. This guide covers critical aspects of the project, including administrative and logistical details, location and accommodation particulars, general information (such as weather conditions, dress codes, meals, and cultural activities), a comprehensive activities timetable, guidelines for risk prevention, information on health and travel insurance, contact details for team members and partners, and essential phrases in the local language. This comprehensive guide ensures that participants are well-informed and fully prepared for their project experience.
Preparatory meetings and parental/guardian consent:
We organize a meeting with participants' parents or guardians to explain the preparation process, necessary documents, their children's responsibilities, and the benefits they would gain.
We collect necessary information about the underage participants, including emergency contact details and any specific medical or dietary needs.
We ensure that parental or guardian consent has been obtained for underage participants in the activity: this document includes consent and acknowledgment from parents or guardians regarding their child's participation in these activities, medical information, dietary requirements, emergency treatment, and the need for responsible behavior. Additionally, it seeks permission for the organizers to capture photographs/videos of the child and use them for project promotion, including on social media, websites, and promotional materials. It concludes with the signature and date of the parent/guardian for both the consent and acknowledgment sections.
Supervision and support: We ensure that experienced group leaders are appointed to offer guidance and support. All group leaders assume responsibility for the underage participants, and their commitment is validated by a signed declaration that outlines all their responsibilities. Additionally, parental or guardian consent further reinforces that the underage participants will be under the supervision of the group leaders throughout the activity and travel.
Safe transport: Our commitment to safety extends to transportation. We take rigorous measures to ensure the safety of underage participants during all journeys associated with our activities. We exclusively collaborate with authorized transportation companies. Whenever necessary, we assist participants in obtaining transportation tickets. In cases of financial constraints, we even purchase the tickets on their behalf. We strongly encourage all participants to acquire private travel insurance, which should cover incidents such as lost luggage and third-party damages.
2. During activity:
We organize informative meetings at the beginning of activity to present administrative aspects of the project and provide information on the prevention of risks and potential dangers. Through this interactive session, participants identify their own potential risks and together, all participants find solutions for risk prevention and learn about the administrative aspects.
We establish and agree upon a Code of Conduct for activity applicable to all people involved in the project activity.
We always maintain adequate supervision of underage participants, considering the age and needs of the children, by experienced group leaders capable of offering emotional support to underage participants of both genders to address gender-specific problems, if necessary.
As our projects sometimes bring together both underage participants and those over 18 years old to foster the exchange of ideas, we ensure that the latter exhibit appropriate behavior towards the underage individuals and do not engage in behaviors that are inappropriate for minors, such as smoking or alcohol consumption.
Ensure a Safe Environment:
o We regularly inspect the activity area for potential hazards identified in the risk assessment and take immediate steps to address any safety concerns.
o We ensure that all equipment and materials used are age-appropriate and in good working condition.
o We encourage respectful behavior and interactions among all participants.
Emergency Response: We have a clear and practiced emergency response plan in place, tailored to address the specific risks pinpointed during the assessment. We ensure that all staff and volunteers know how to respond to injuries, accidents, or other emergencies promptly. The first aid responsible maintains direct communication with local emergency services. In the event of an emergency, this designated person will promptly coordinate with local authorities to ensure a rapid and efficient response. Furthermore, we understand the importance of keeping parents or guardians informed and reassured in case of any emergency. Therefore, we have established a protocol for promptly notifying parents or guardians if their child is involved in an emergency during our activities. This ensures transparent and open communication, providing parents or guardians with peace of mind knowing that their child's well-being is our top priority.
Monitoring and evaluation: At the end of each activity day, we conduct evaluations to assess the accessibility and effectiveness of the day's activities, the clarity of information, participant satisfaction, and opportunities for improvement; additionally, we hold three comprehensive evaluation sessions at the beginning, mid-term, and end of activities to gather participants feedback and implement necessary adjustments based on their suggestions.
3. After Activity:
We conduct a debriefing session with staff and volunteers to assess the success of the activity and identify any concerns or areas for improvement, including those related to risk management.
We document any incidents or issues that may have occurred during the activity.
After participants return to their communities, we continue to support them in the reintegration process.
We empower participants to share and leverage the experiences they've gained.
We collect and reevaluate feedback from participants and implement any necessary changes to enhance future projects.
By following this Checklist of Measures, which incorporates risk assessment, ARAO aims to create a safe and secure environment for underage participants during all activities and programs while proactively managing and mitigating identified risks.
IV. Staff Recruitment and Training
All individuals working with underage participants must undergo comprehensive background checks, and reference checks. This requirement applies to staff, volunteers, and contractors. All staff, volunteers, and contractors will receive comprehensive training on safeguarding underage participants, recognizing signs of abuse or neglect, and the procedures for reporting concerns. Newly recruited staff members working with children will be required to provide a criminal record check with no registered criminal offenses. Training will be regularly updated.
V. Reporting Mechanisms
In cases of safeguarding concerns or incidents, ARAO will respond promptly, conduct thorough investigations, and provide appropriate support to affected underage participants and their families.
ARAO uses confidential reporting mechanisms, allowing anyone to report concerns or incidents related to the safeguarding of underage participants. Reports will be treated with utmost confidentiality, and appropriate actions will be taken promptly.
See Annex 1 for Reporting procedure.
VI. Monitoring and Review
This Code of Conduct will be yearly reviewed and updated to ensure its effectiveness. Feedback from underage participants, parents, youth workers, caregivers, and stakeholders will support the policy's enhancements.
VII. Legal Compliance
ARAO complies with all applicable local, national, and international laws and regulations related to child safeguarding, such as art. 24 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union; EU Directive on Combating the Sexual Abuse and Sexual Exploitation of Children and Child Pornography, EU Data Protection Laws (GDPR); EU Directive on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings; EU Directive on Victims' Rights; EU Directive on Legal Aid for Suspects and Defendants in Criminal Proceedings and all E+ and ESC provisions.
VIII. Acknowledgement:
By adhering to this Code of Conduct, ARAO aims to create a safe, nurturing and respectful environment for underage participants across all our activities and initiatives. We are committed to safeguarding all children, regardless of their characteristics and backgrounds, and acknowledge the varying risks and means of addressing them. This Code of Conduct applies to all staff and associates, both during and outside of work, as they always represent the organization.
Version: 2023