Annexe II
Parental / Guardian Consent
I, undersigned, ____________________________________, parent/guardian of the child/young person __________________, born on __________________, give consent for my child to take part in the activity:
Name of activity: ______________________________________________________
Funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ project: ____________
Coordinating organization: ____________________________________________
Period of the youth exchange: _________________________________________
Travel days: ___________________________________________________________
Location: _____________________________________________________________
Accommodation at: __________________________________________________
Contact details of the project coordinator: ___________________________
Contact details of the group leader responsible for coordinating and supervising the child while traveling and during the stay abroad:
Full Name:
Signature of the group leader:
Activities taking place at:
Description of the activities and methods used during the youth exchange:
All the activities implemented in the youth exchange are based on non-formal learning methods such as get to know activities, group building activities (in this part we use integrative participatory methods to facilitate the interaction among participants and to create a safe and friendly climate for working together).
By interacting with the people from the community, they will build trust; increase their level of self-awareness, self-esteem, group work, communication, intercultural understanding, and English language skills. The activities are aimed to raise the level of skills, knowledge and positive attitudes of the participants with regards to the protection of the environment and the European Youth Goal No. 10 Sustainable Green Europe. The participants will also discover Erasmus+ and discuss about its possibilities, which will be later shared in the local community, during the dissemination events.
I confirm that I have been informed by the project organizers of the activities my child will take part in, as well as of the learning methods that will be used. I confirm I have received a copy of the daily programme of activities.
I agree for my child to take part in all the proposed activities.
I confirm I have been informed of all the logistical aspects (travel arrangements, meals, accommodation) and financial aspects regarding reimbursement of costs.
In case of an emergency, I agree to any emergency treatment to be given to my child, in accordance with the laws in the host country. I acknowledge the need for my child to always behave responsibly.
I accept that early return of my child to home may be necessary in the following circumstances:
one (1) if a serious breach of the following rules:
- presence at all sessions is mandatory activity.
- drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited.
- it is prohibited to drive any type of motor vehicle.
two (2) if the child displays behavior considered inappropriate or offensive to the host community, endangering himself or others or causes property damage.
I also understand that in situations (1) and (2) this will happen on my own responsibility and at my own expense.
I give permission to the organizers to take photographs/videos of my child.
I give permission to the organizers to use the photographs and videos taken in order to promote the project and its results, which may include, among others, publishing them on social media accounts, on websites of involved organizations, in mass-media, in leaflets/other promotional materials etc.
Personal information of the child:
Details on medical conditions, allergies, phobias, disabilities:
Details on any medication:
Dietary requirements:
Any other useful information:
Parent or guardian contact details during travel and stay abroad:
Phone number:
In case I am not available, the organizers can also contact:
Name of second contact person:
Phone number:
Signature of the parent/ guardian Date:
Version: 2023